Thanks Robyn
for SheilaM who is already out of posts
i hope you find this amusing, this short narrative is a "monster telling".
you take a normal thing and with exaggeration make it into a monster.
the amaygadala is the part of the brain that controls anger, impulses etc.
well, i can't think of anything else left to do on the path of apostates.
the original piercing was 10 millimeters, and since that was a bit long now that my tongue has healed, today i went for a new one, and a new stud.
my jw mum went with me, and she even picked out the one i have now, a red-white-blue [just like our flag] ball that glows in the dark.
does there come a time, when you would like to be at peace with the jehovah witnesses, and try to forget what they done to you, but then all of a sudden you remember the way they treated you, and then you start to get angry again at them?
does this happen to you?
Never remove the knife from your back.
It will remind the one who stabbed you of their transgression.
Perhaps they will think twice before hurting another.
ok ok i stole this from a site syn introduced me to, didn't know this black hole even existed, so blame the springbok...hehehehe.
hehehehe it's no gremlin, but er...close enough!.
i always loved little animals, and i always will have one.
i noticed that most families do have pets.
for people living alone, a pet is a good companion.
.... this year, by a conservative estimate.. how is your year shaping up?
hey shiela happy b-day!!
(made with love ..just for u) .
enjoy .
I am speechless that is beautiful, You are sooooooooo thoughtful and sweet. Me speechless now this is a new one
Utopian Raindrops you sure hatched a good eggPats the back of a super Mom>
<Dang it I was sooo touched I didn't notice Thunder had logged in but this is really me>
Edited by - Thunder Rider on 28 January 2003 15:29:13
ok i know i haven't been around here much lately but i have been rather busy, kinda sorta.
well i have officially graduated from the florida college of natural health and have applied for my license to become an esthetician!!!!
i'm soo excited.
we all have special talents, that other people dont know about.
did you ever do something out of the ordinary?
do you have a special talent?
Sad to say my special talent has proved to be somewhat of a curse all my life. I have the ability to look at just about anything mechanical, understand its operation and then fix it if something goes wrong. It made me very popular with the Dubs when things broke down around the hall or one of the pioneer's cars broke down. Now I only volunteer my special talents to my friends.
The whole book writing thing is a side effect of being electrocuted a few years back. I swear!
do you have faith in god?
a simple test... read judges 20-21. it's alot of reading... i ask again, "do you have faith in god?
ask yourself who could phineas represent today .
Mind give me the name of you hall let's see who has the Truth, you coming here to an apostate siteOf course you have to be a dub since you can't spell and you speak as if you have never made it past middle school
Viv you are not a board W**** LOL